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Village Panchayat Betoda Nirankal Conxem Codar consist of 11 wards and has a population of 11090, village Panchayat is spread into four revenue villages and over an area of 3900 Ha. (Approx.) the village is blessed with two rivers flowing around the clock out of the total population of 11090, the female population constitute about 5200 and male about 5800 out of the 11 V.P. Members are 4 are female. The village is well known for Bethora industrial Estate and UB Group of companies it has over 2500 households both residential and commercial, the village Panchayats caters for 23 High schools and 12 Primary Schools, out of the total population 20% population consist of SC and ST communities. The village is equipped with Primary health center and center for animal husbandry. The Panchayat is economically sound and the main source of income is taxes and fees collected by Panchayat.